Luceco have now conducted its analysis required by the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, the results of which are published below.
I can confirm that the published data is accurate and is in accordance with the Act.
Like many other employers, our data shows a gender pay gap which is a consequence of a difference in the distribution of roles between the genders. The largest single reason for the distribution difference is a higher proportion of men in senior positions.
I take this matter very seriously. I am committed to ensuring Luceco remains an employer of choice for the entire working population with equal opportunities for all to achieve their career aspirations within our company and as a result we have a number of plans in place to reduce the size of the gap over the coming year.
John Hornby
1. Difference in hourly rate of pay – mean: 38%
2. Difference in hourly rate of pay – median: 29%
3. Difference in bonus pay – mean: 53%
4. Difference in bonus pay – median: -83%
5. Percentage of employees who received bonus pay
Male: 63%
Female: 60%
6. Employees by pay quartile
Upper Quartile Male: 90%
Upper Quartile Female: 10%
Upper Middle Quartile Male: 70%
Upper Middle Quartile Female: 30%
Lower Middle Quartile Male: 57%
Lower Middle Quartile Female: 43%
Lower Quartile Male: 64%
Lower Quartile Female: 36%