
Jaguar Land Rover Showroom

17th May 2019

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Luceco, preferred lighting supplier to Premier Motors, efficiently lights the Jaguar Land Rover Showroom in Abu Dhabi, after a successful refurbishment of the Ford Showrooms. With back of house offices and service centre lighting consuming more energy than the showrooms, these areas were first to be retrofitted.

Energy savings of over 58% were made by removing conventional fluorescent fittings and replacing with Luceco energy efficient LED luminaires. The front desk and back offices were refurbished with the LuxPanel luminaire. With 50,000 hours of maintenance free life and significant energy savings over traditional light sources, the LuxPanel provided the ideal solution to meet the lighting requirements of Jaguar Land Rover.

Conventional fluorescent multi-lamp luminaires require regular maintenance and lamp replacement plus the expense of disposal. With LED luminaires, these costs do not exist, LuxPanel is a Fit & Forget solution. LuxPanels come complete with a “plug and play” drivers making them quick and easy to install and produce consistent light output over their entire life, with 100% instant light with no warm up time as required by fluorescent lamp luminaires.

  • Preferred Supplier to Premier Motors Jaguar Land Rover
  • Energy savings of over 58% were made by removing conventional fluorescent fittings and replacing with LED luminaires

The Service Station was refurbished with the Climate linear luminaire. Robust and rated IP65, the Climate is ideal for industrial and commercial environments and highly suitable for installation in workshops and garages. The Climate features a polycarbonate body and diffuser with stainless steel anti-tamper clips and boasts an impressive 50,000 hours of maintenance free operation providing an environmentally friendly, cost effective, energy efficient lighting solution perfect for a premier brand car company such as Jaguar Land Rover!