Gender Pay Gap

Luceco have now conducted its analysis required by the Equality Act 2010

Luceco have now conducted its analysis required by the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, the results of which are published below. 

I can confirm that the published data is accurate and is in accordance with the Act. 

Like many other employers, our data shows a gender pay gap which is a consequence of a difference in the distribution of roles between the genders. The largest single reason for the distribution difference is a higher proportion of men in senior positions. 

I take this matter very seriously. I am committed to ensuring Luceco remains an employer of choice for the entire working population with equal opportunities for all to achieve their career aspirations within our company and as a result we have a number of plans in place to reduce the size of the gap over the coming year. 

John Hornby

1. Difference in hourly rate of pay – mean: 38%

2. Difference in hourly rate of pay – median: 29%

3. Difference in bonus pay – mean: 53%

4. Difference in bonus pay – median: -83%

5. Percentage of employees who received bonus pay

   Male: 63%

   Female: 60%

6. Employees by pay quartile

     Upper Quartile Male: 90%

     Upper Quartile Female: 10%

     Upper Middle Quartile Male: 70%

     Upper Middle Quartile Female: 30%

     Lower Middle Quartile Male: 57%

     Lower Middle Quartile Female: 43%

     Lower Quartile Male: 64%

     Lower Quartile Female: 36%